Because of the fame achieved for his ragtime compositions, he was dubbed the 'King of Ragtime. He had published several songs by late 1915, when he died on December 3rd of Tuberculosis. Novem April 1, 1917) was an American composer and pianist. He was a ragtime composer in the early 20th century. Eubie Blake’s Charleston Rag was an early work which gained popularity, as were James Scott’s Frog Legs Rag and Bohemia Rag. I am doing this paper on a composer known as Lewis F. He even wrote what some call a ‘ragtime opera’, Tremonisha. Joplin’s Maple Leaf Rag, Pineapple Rag and Sunflower Slow Drag, not to mention The Entertainer are some of the most familiar ragtime pieces. While not quite as accomplished as a Joplin, Scott or Lamb he was still amongst the successful and prominent. Joseph Francis Lamb (1887-1960): American composer of ragtime music and the only non-African American of the Big Three composers of classical ragtime, Scott. What are the most famous pieces of ragtime music? Charles Johnson was a leading ragtime composer.

The title song from Berlin’s musical Alexander’s Ragtime Band is one of the composer’s most familiar, and oft-recorded, works. Scott Joplin, known as the King of Ragtime, was the best known ragtime composer. Jazz stars like Jelly Roll Morton, Eubie Blake, Fats Waller and even Broadway and Hollywood’s Irving Berlin would write and record some of the most popular ragtime pieces. Ragtime preceded jazz and was a popular style of American music from. Scott Joplin was dubbed the ‘King of Ragtime’ and is probably the most familiar name when it comes to ragtime. But this, together with its novel rhythmic style, helped it to become very popular. Ragtime’s harmonic language was about 50 years out of date in terms of the classical music of its day. What is the harmonic language of ragtime? That influence is heard in the right hand’s arpeggiated chords. This style was popular in old minstrel shows and originated in slave songs with banjo accompaniment. Joplin wrote the first instrumental ('Maple Leaf Rag') to sell over one million copies. Though not famous purely for his piano playing, Scott Joplin remains the most influential ragtime composer. What are the rhythms and textures of ragtime?Ībove ‘oom-pah’ chord patterns in the pianist’s left hand (emulating the bass drum and cymbal beats of a marching band), the right hand plays a syncopated melody. There are quite a few famous ragtime pianists, though many of the originators of the genre died before audio recording was widely available. Like Sousa’s marches, the final one or two sections often moved to a new key. Joplin’s Maple Leaf Rag inserted a repeat of the first section mid-way through the piece to give the structure AABBACCDD, which he also used in Pineapple Rag. Scott Joplin Perhaps the most famous composer of ragtime music, Scott Joplin (1867 or 1868 -1917) composed two of the genre's most well-known and popular pieces, The Entertainer and Maple Leaf Rag. Piano rags were invariably cast in the sectionalised structure of the popular march, with each section repeated. Here are some of the most well-known ragtime composers.