The terminal list cast
The terminal list cast

the terminal list cast

On both occasions, we were surrounded by SEALs. You're always just going for pure authenticity and rooting it in that. Taylor Kitsch: "I don't think it's any different. How did you prepare for that? Do you think there was more pressure shooting those scenes in this show than there would be on a film set? When you operate on camera in this series, you really have to operate. : You have both played SEALs before in films, but movies are two or maybe two-and-a-half hours long and the action scenes can be shorter. My guess is that folks who like Jack Ryan are going to really like this." "For people who are fans of the book, I think they're going to love it, but they'll also be a little bit surprised because there's enough of a departure from the book to feel a little bit new.

the terminal list cast

We switched the story over to a psychological thriller so we could sort of parse out some things, create a few red herrings, break the novel into something that is more episodic for this series." "Because of that, you have to be careful about front-loading a piece with any villainy, because it looks like mustache-twirling. All you can really do is watch them do what they're doing and hear what they're saying. In a television show, you can't have the prose you can have an author explain to the reader what the person is thinking. In a novel, you can understand what the characters are thinking, the motivations of the bad guys. "I think it suits the medium a little bit better. People who are fans of the book might have certain expectations going into it that will be met, and then hopefully exceeded, because we shift away from the sort of nature of the political thriller and turn it into more of a psychological thriller. It's certainly a departure from what people will expect. : Those of us who've read all the books know what we're getting into when we watch "The Terminal List." Do you think people who've been watching the Jack Ryan and Harry Bosch shows are ready for how intense this show actually is?Ĭhris Pratt: "I don't know.


Pratt and Kitsch talked to about the series and their tight connections to the military veteran community. Taylor Kitsch and Chris Pratt talk about their Prime Video series "The Terminal List." (Amazon)

The terminal list cast